UnderDespair is a work of fiction created by 野洲くん (Yasu-Kun). Any resemblances of actual events, places, incidents, characters, living or dead are purely coincidental and entirely fictional by the authorʼs imagination.
It's recommended for mature audiences. Viewer’s discretion is advised — strong coarse language, violence, suggestive themes, character deaths and additional sensitive content (as a crossover parody based of Danganronpa).
All characters belong to their respective creators under fair use of fan-made creations: Cross (jakei95), Death (renrink), Dream & Nightmare (jokublog), Geno, Error & Fresh (crayon queen), Horror (sour apple studios), Ink (comyet), and many other characters with creators wish to remain anonymous or under public domain.
All characters are based on the author’s interpretation and adaptations. While remaining faithful to most of the original source and concepts, some personalities had to be altered differently while some had alternative designs by the author to match their Ultimate talents.
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